>>>  Transforming the parking experience: simpler, faster, more secure

>>>  Enable authorities to support Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning

Parking, despite being a critical component to a sustainable urban mobility, is still an area of underdeveloped technology. Looking for a parking spot close to a bus or metro station is a daily headache for people living around cities. Paved surfaces for parking lots require a huge amount of land and impacts biodiversity, which can be particularly important in suburban areas. Moreover, cruising for parking  implies negative effects of time costs, congestion, pollution, and greenhouse gas emission.

Good parking management can help free up valuable public space, making our cities more attractive; support local economy; reduce vehicle traffic; improve congestion, road safety and air pollution; and moreover generate revenues to invest in sustainable mobility and urban improvements.

STRADOT solution avoids the construction of a parking building to increase capacity. Our robot system can densify the existing parking infrastructure without any modification to the ground or heavy infrastructure. It is much more efficient in terms of investment cost, construction duration, CO2 emission, and construction waste. 


* Construction and demolition waste