>>> Enable authorities to comply with BAF requirement in the urban planning

Soil sealing is considered a severe form of land take, characterized by development of new buildings, road, parking, and other infrastructure due to urban sprawl. They often affect fertile agricultural land, puts biodiversity at risk, increases the risk of flooding and water scarcity and contributes to global warming.

Over the last three decades, the Biotope Area Factor (BAF) has been incorporated into urban planning to control and regulate the construction and renovation of buildings. BAF is an ecological index to describe the permeability level of soil and grounds. For more information on BAF, please click here.

STRADOT solution increases considerably the BAF index or the ecological surface of the parking. Thanks to our robot’s traction system, grass on solid slab can be installed in almost all area served by STRADOT parking robots. 

Simulation of the park-and-ride below shows the BAF index of different solutions. This park-and-ride in Toulouse area has a surface of 3500 m2 to accommodate 139 parking places.

Current State

Biotope Area Factor


139 parking spaces

219 m2 in-ground green space

3281 m2 asphalt for parking and circulation lanes


Biotope Area Factor


139 parking spaces

219 m2 in-ground green space

1738 m2 grass on solid slab for parking area

1544 m2 asphalt for parking and circulation lanes

STRADOT Solution

maximize BAF

Biotope Area Factor


139 parking spaces

1921 m2 in-ground green space

1251 m2 grass on solid slab for parking area

328 m2 asphalt for cabins and robot maneuver zones

STRADOT Solution

maximize parking capacity

Biotope Area Factor


259 parking spaces

3172 m2 grass on solid slab for parking area

328 m2 asphalt for cabins and robot maneuver zones